I bought these wine corks, about 200, off Ebay a few months ago with the intention of making a notice board out of them but I've since gone off the idea. Has anyone seen a project that has used a lot of corks or any ideas for what I could use them for? I've tried cutting them and they are a nightmare ... they start to crumble and flake so if I could use them whole rather than chopped, that would be better.
It took a while to get the right colour with the water based stain but I think I got it in the end. Two coats of stain and two coats of 'Mid Brown' furniture wax. A couple of people have mentioned that I must have had some sort of woodworking training to produce this sort of work but I can assure you that this is completely within the grasp of most hobbyists. If you can use basic hand tools and have a router you can make this box. Believe me, I am not a skilled carpenter.I reckon in total the box took approx 35hours and cost in the region of £40 ($60).
This is my latest project. Its a softwood 3 drawer chest designed by Norm Abram from the New Yankee Workshop. He originally aired it in his season 12 episode 12 show. His version is made from cherry wood however that would be far too expensive so I'm using some softwood boards that I bought at IKEA for about £4 ($6) each.
It incorporates a box top and a secret drawer which was quite challenging for an amateur like me. The original can be seen at this link. I've just ordered some water based pine stain from a company called fiddes, I've used it before and it gives a superb natural English country pine finish. The octaganal door handles were about £1.50 each from a discounted range at a local ironmongery store called Woodfit. If you have any questions or would like to know any of the sizes, just subscribe to the blog and drop me a line.
One or two people have asked if I would include the wood burning stove on the blog .... so here is the youtube video and a few photos. A couple of other videos can be found at
Found this bargain in a local DIY store yesterday ...... reduced from £23 to £19 ($35 to $29). Its made by Arrow .... model No. ET100K and is capable of driving 1" nails in to hardwoods, no problem! It comes in a blown plastic carry case with four packs of nails (5/8" - 3/4" and 1"). Iv'e always wanted a small nail driver but because of limited space a pneumatic gun with compressor is just not an option.
The project I'm working on in the background of the photos is a jewellery case designed and made by Norm Abram on the NYWS. Click the link and follow through on the site to some of the photos of cases made by other woodworkers. I did'nt buy the plans I just guessed the sizes.
As you can see, the router table is very similar in construction to the cross cut saw. Both are made from 16mm MDF, both have the single leg at the front and both are collapsible. It may not look it from the photo but I can assure you this is very sturdy and when the 1800W Freud router is spinning at full speed the table is solid.
The back edge of the table simply screws to the bench with three 40mm long, No.10 screws. Because the sides are completely free of supports it's quite easy to hold the fence in position with a couple of handy clamps.
Just found this superb blog on the web ..... have a look and check out his videos on YouTube .... Brilliant!
I have made the Jewellery box that he made on his site. I'll be including that in a later post. Woodworking For Mere Mortals
Ok, I said in yesterday blog how important it is to 'save space' in your shed. When you are dealing with small spaces and lots of equipment, being able to 'knock them down' helps. These photos show you just how I achieve that with my cross cut saw. The saw is an electra beckum that is quite weighty (about 22kg)So to keep getting this out and putting it away daily is just not a practical option.
I mounted the saw on a piece of 16mm MDF that I hinged to a batton on my shed wall. At the front of the base I drilled a hole that accepts a 10mm dowel, I drilled a similar hole directly underneath in the wooden floor. Between the two is a length of 2" square wood that when fit keeps the table perfectly horizontal.
Tomorrow I will show you how I create the same effect with a router table.
My first real blog after the introduction. This is my shed. 12' X 8', and like I said, very tight. Its important to utilise as much space as possible when working in small workshops especially if building large projects. As you can see it has two windows with one facing south that allows a lot of natural light in, very important when it comes to dying and staining wood. Believe it or not, incorporated in to this shed is a saw table, cross cut table, router table and drill stand .... I even have a plan to get myself a small bandsaw. So how do I do it, how do I fit all this gear in here and still have space to work? Collapsable tables is the answer. The drill press pulls out from the wall and the saws and router table all fold away.
Tomorrow I will show you the cross cut saw.
Thanks for looking in.